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“more mala fide”
mala fide (MA luh FIGH dee, MA la FEE di) (adjective), more mala fide, most mala fide
A reference to someone who is acting in "bad faith": When Joe told the potential buyer of his car that his vehicle was in perfect condition, he was making a mala fide statement with the intention of deceiving the potential buyer because a mechanic told Joe that the motor needed to be repaired.
The robber made a mala fide promise to give the money that he stole back to the bank; however, he never really intended to do it.
mala fide (adverb), more mala fide, most mala fide
Pertaining to deceiving or to doing something insincerely or dishonestly: The opposition group accused the governor of making mala fide political promises that he knew could not be accomplished.
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mal-, male-, mali-
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